McQuinn Consulting

Data Privacy Statement

At McQuinn Consulting, we take your privacy seriously. It is important that you know exactly what we do with personal information that you and others provide to us, why we gather it and what it means to you. This document is being provided to you in line with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018. From that date, the GDPR, together with applicable Irish requirements, has amended existing data protection law and placed enhanced accountability and transparency obligations on organisations when using your information. The GDPR has also introduced changes which give you greater control over your personal information, including a right to object to processing of your personal information where that processing is carried out for our business purposes.

Please take time to read this notice carefully. If you have any questions about how we use your information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the details below.

This summary explains the most important aspects of how we use your information and what rights you have in relation to your personal information.

1. Who we are

Throughout this document, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘ours’ refer to McQuinn Consulting.

2. The information we collect about you

We will/may hold:

  • data to identify you, including your contact information;
  • information which you have consented to us using; and
  • other personal information necessary for particular transactions
  • Information provided to us by third parties, e.g., feed merchants, Solicitors, Revenue, Stock Brokers, County Councils etc.,

3. When we collect your information

We collect information for business purposes as we need it

  • by telephone conversations, emails, correspondence, meetings etc.,

4. How we use your information and the legal basis

We use, and share, your data where:

  • use is necessary in relation to a service or a contract that you have entered into (e.g. to provide you with a specific service) or because you have asked for something to be done
  • you have agreed or explicitly consented to the using of your data in a specific way (you may withdraw your consent at any time); and

5. Who we share your information with

When providing our services to you, we may share your information with:

  • your authorised representatives;
  • third parties with whom: (i) we need to share your information to facilitate transactions you have requested, and (ii) you permit us to share your information;
  • service providers who provide us with support services; and
  • statutory and regulatory bodies (including central and local government), particularly the Department of Agriculture, and law enforcement authorities;

6. How long we hold your information

How long we hold your data for is subject to legislation and regulatory rules we must follow, set by authorities. Data is held for varying periods depending on its nature and the necessity to retain. For our current data retention policy, please contact: McQuinn Consulting, Oakview, Brewery Road, Tralee, Co Kerry or by email at

7. Implications of not providing information

If you do not provide information we may not be able to:

  • provide requested services to you;
  • to continue to provide and/or renew existing services

8. How to exercise your information rights including the right to object

Since 25 May 2018, you have several enhanced rights in relation to how we use your information, including the right, without undue delay, to:

  • find out if we use your information, access your information and receive copies of your information;
  • have inaccurate/incomplete information corrected and updated;
  • object to particular use of your personal data for our legitimate business interests or direct marketing purposes;
  • in certain circumstances, to have your information deleted or our use of your data restricted; and
  • to withdraw consent at any time where processing is based on consent.

If you wish to exercise any of your data rights, you can contact us at; McQuinn Consulting, Oakview, Brewery Road, Tralee, Co Kerry, by email (

If we are unable to deal with your request fully within a calendar month (due to the complexity or number of requests) we may extend this period by a further two calendar months and shall explain the reason why. If you make your request electronically, we will try to provide you with the relevant information electronically.

You also have the right to complain to the Data Protection Commission or another supervisory authority. You can contact the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner at:

Telephone: +353 (0)761 104 800 or Lo Call Number 1890 252 231
Fax: +353 57 868 4757
Postal Address: Data Protection Commission, Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington, R32 AP23, Co. Laois.

9. Updates

We will update our Data Privacy Statement from time to time and reserve the right to do so. Any updates will be made available via our website at (